Trilleen - Sailing around Britain Update
Ian Wyllie, who bought a boat via Boatshed IOW in February 2021 is taking on the challenge of sailing around Britain single handed. Here is his latest update:
A great start for Ian as he set sail with Trilleen once again and celebrated the start of 2024 by rounding the Mull of Kintyre. He's heading for the Clyde which will be Trilleen's home until the Spring when he can continue with his journey.
A New Year at the Mull of Kintyre
Trilleen and I marked the arrival of New Years day during the shrouded darkness of a Scottish winter night rounding the Mull of Kintyre. The headland has an evil reputation for angry overfalling waves and eddies to often agitated by violent storms. This New Years morning though it was quiescent in the window between two deep depressions. I had left from Kerrera on Oban, a week before and exploited a series of tiny windows between fierce gales to reach this point. read more....
Campbeltown to Lamlash: sailing at its best
The sail from Campbeltown to Lamlash was one of those, all too infrequent, rare and privileged days on the water. After what had been an uninspiring, cold and wet set of motor dominated passages from Oban to Campbeltown it was balm for my soul, and a rest for my ears. It’s days like this that fill my heart with the joy of wildness the was so long denied to me by disability. read more....
Want to find out more?
You can follow Ian and his trip at SailingTrilleen.org once stopovers are confirmed, they will be updating the website.
If you'd like to donate to the Andrew Cassell Foundation this can also be done via the website. All funds go directly to the the Foundation.
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